As laid out in 4.6 of the Schoolbooks Grant Guidance for Post-Primary Schools 2024/25, if surplus funding remains, schools may use the funding to facilitate the provision of school-owned digital devices to students on a temporary basis, as needed.
We are in a position to loan a small number of devices each year to parents. These devices are to support Learners while attending CBC in Junior Cycle and must be returned at the end of 3rd year. They May also be lent to individual parents and learners for short periods in other year groups or for short periods while devices are being repaired.
Please Find attached the Form that Parents must fill out to be placed on the list for a device.
Support for Learners in Accessing ICT Devices - Parent Learner Submission Form.pdf
Please also find a copy of the
Loan Agreement
Damaged Device Notification Form
Please Note Parents will be required to pay for all damage to a device, so it is essential that loaned devices are cared for. The school is not in a position to take out insurance or extended warranty on loaned devices, given the costs involved. Devices must be stored in school lockers when not in use in the classroom.