Coláiste Bhaile Chláir

Arts @CBC

ARTS@CBC 2021/2022

BLAST (Bringing Live Arts to Students and Teachers)

BLAST Arts in Education Residency Programme Bringing Live Arts to Students and Teachers the Department of Education developed a new innovative Arts in Education Residency Programme, BLAST (Bringing Live Arts to Students and Teachers), in 2021/2022, CBC was a recipient of this project allowing us to engage local artist Catherine Simon to complete drama workshops for all first years in Coláiste Bhaile Chláir.

Creative Schools

As part of our Creative Schools funding Galway Community Circus provided workshops in school for all 210 second year students, 2nd year students were chosen as they had a difficult start to second level school. Students learnt juggling, tightrope walking and acrobatics.

Creative Engagement through NAPD (National Association of Principals and Deputy)

Project 1 – Italian Circus

All Transition year Italian students completed workshops with the Italian Circus.


Project 2 - Nasc

Our 2nd Glenn Gibson is entitled “Nasc” meaning a tie, link, bond í ngaeilge. – Glen completed wire sculpture legacy workshops with a group of art students, there was two components to the project, students were thought how to create a tree sculpture on day one and day two built on the skills learnt and so each student collaborated to create a finished piece of sculpture “Nasc” which was installed in the school. This project was also kindly supported by Hughes’ SuperValu Claregalway.

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Project 3 - Self Portraits

Declan O’Meara - Self-portrait workshop using oil pastels with 5th year Art students. This project was based on the theme of self-identity. 5th year students were chosen for this workshop as they enter senior cycle, this may be a time of self-discovery for many individuals. As part of this project students were allowed to wear their own clothing that reflected their unique personality and were given the opportunity to create a self-portrait of their true selves. The finished pieces are displayed on the walls of the school and aim to promote a sense of wellbeing by celebrating difference and individuality for all.





Percentage for Art scheme – this has now entered its final stages with artist Fiona Murphy. Our leaving Cert Applied students got the chance to complete a mosaic this formed part of the overall project and is installed outside one of the main entrances to the school.

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This Mosaic links with the work carried out by Fiona herself at the front of our school

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Drumadore - all transition year students completed a drumming workshop with Drumadore this included drumrobics, body percussion and rhythm games.


Dance it out – all transition year students completed a dance workshop as part of a school wellbeing day.

Architecture on the Edge - was an architecture workshop 20 TY’s got involved in - they completed 3 x 2-hour workshops which then culminated in them attending a day long build in GMIT Cluain Mhuire campus.

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Transition Year meeting for Parents
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir,
Baile Chláir,
Co na Gaillimhe,
H91 XY8V

091 799 001

© 2025 Coláiste Bhaile Chláir