Coláiste Bhaile Chláir


Erasmus Projects

Project 1

Grade Predictor Project

Coláiste Bhaile Chláir, Galway Technical Institute (GTI) and Coláiste na Coiribe are delighted to be part of The School Improvement Partnership Project (SIPP) 2017-2020 which is funded by European Commission Erasmus + programme of the European Union. The KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education is a project that allows the three GRETB schools to exchange best practice with other countries such as Finland, Spain and The Czech Republic.

During the project there will be the development of the grade predictor tool for each country led by Learning Plus UK (LPUK). This grade predictor tool will then be implemented in the 6 partner countries through training teachers and other associated staff in its usage and then implemented with students who are making decisions about their future subject choice or are at risk of drop out and need help/support in their current study or to be directed elsewhere. There is no other tool we are aware of available across Europe which does this task based on national, regional or local data which has an interface with teachers and students together. The Grade Predictor methodology in the UK is based on robust data which is then interpreted to predict students’ performance in the future based on their achievement in the past. It is a formula which is transferable to other education systems.

Grade Predictor.jpg

Project 2

Big Ideas For Better Schools @ErasmusBI_BS

Coláiste Bhaile Chláir, in conjunction with The National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), are delighted to be part of a new Erasmus project “Big ideas for Better Schools” 2019-2022 which is funded by European Commission Erasmus + programme of the European Union. The KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education is a project that allows Coláiste Bhaile Chláir and NUIG to exchange best practice with other countries such as Norway, Spain and Poland.

During the project there will be a focus on three areas; Democracy, Diversity and Equity. We will firstly gather data to identify the issues of democracy, diversity and equity in our schools. Based on the findings of the data we will implement learning action sets based on the foundation of action research. By doing this we hope to achieve positive changes in our school community.


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Coláiste Bhaile Chláir,
Baile Chláir,
Co na Gaillimhe,
H91 XY8V

091 799 001

© 2025 Coláiste Bhaile Chláir