Coláiste Bhaile Chláir

Policy Consultation

Dear CBC Community

This year we will be focusing on the Development of 4 Specific Policies

  1. Bí Cineálta Procedures to Address and Prevent Bullying Behaviour
  2. Code of Behaviour
  3. Trips and Outings Policy
  4. Provision Mapping

The 1st Draft Policy we have developed is that for

  1. Bí Cineálta Procedures to Address and Prevent Bullying Behaviour --- This policy must be developed over the course of this year and be implemented before the beginning of the school year 2025/2026.

We have worked over the summer months to develop a 1st Draft and are opening this up for consultation with the wider school community for observations. If you would like to take time to read this 1st draft, feel free to send any initial observations to

It is our intention following the completion of this to have focus groups with our Parents Association, Student Council, Staff and BOM over the next few mths to refine the policy with a hope to ratifying it in Early January 2025.

Within the attached the Green texts are the compulsory sections, headings that must be contained within the policy

and the blue text is that which details how we aim to prevent and address Bullying behaviour in practice.

The attached here, is a flowchart / summary we have developed of the steps involved in the Guidelines issued to schools this summer, we intend to implement this flowchart immediately.

3. Trips and Outings Policy

We have developed a 1st Draft and are opening this up for consultation with the wider school community for observations. If you would like to take time to read this 1st draft, feel free to send any initial observations to

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Applications Now Closed for 2025
Transition Year meeting for Parents
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir,
Baile Chláir,
Co na Gaillimhe,
H91 XY8V

091 799 001

© 2025 Coláiste Bhaile Chláir