Coláiste Bhaile Chláir

School Strategic Plan

Plan Overview.jpg

We have developed our 2nd Strategic Plan for the next five years 2023-2028, this plan is based on the schools School Self Evaluation activities which have occurred over the past four school years under our 1st Strategic plan. A summary of our areas of focus are included in the poster above and here

The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan It is available by clicking here

and Below

Digital Strategy 2023-2028

This is a work in progress and over this year as we review our SSE practices in the school we will amend this document to include our School Improvement Focus documents below.

Our School Improvement Plan for 2024/2025 was developed following a review of our 2023/2024 school year.

Past School Improvement Plans

Our School Improvement Plan for 2023/2024 was developed following a review of our 2022/2023 school year.

This review involved ongoing reviews throughout the year, in conjunction with surveys of parents, students and teachers and through meetings of our leaderships teams, student council, parents council meetings, BOM meetings, the One Good School Team and the Teaching, Learning and Assessment teams in the school and staff meetings.

School Improvement Plan for 2022/2023

The school’s Vision statement “Together We Will Achieve” reflects the hopes for our school and students where each of us wishes to achieve to the best of our ability, while acknowledging that this can ultimately be better achieved through partnership.

The schools Mission statement reflects how we will achieve this vision by Caring, Developing, Praising and Believing in our students and by empowering them to also take personal responsibility for their growth and development.

This is all mediated through a shared set of core Valueswhich underpin everything we do.

The Strategic Goals for the development of the school over the next number of years are.

Strategic Goals

  1. Living Out What We Value:

At Coláiste Bhaile Chláir we will create our future by living out our Vision, Mission and Core Values.

  1. Focus on Learning and Learners

At Coláiste Bhaile Chláir we will create our future by actively engaging learners in their learning, guided by best practice, in partnership and supported by the school community.

  1. Creating a Positive Learning Climate

At Coláiste Bhaile Chláir we will create our future by optimising learning opportunities for all students.

What these goals look like in action as outlined forms the basis for the strategic development of the school. We have broken these 3 broad areas down into 8 key areas

Living Out What We Value

  1. Relationships
  2. Recognition

Focus on Learning and Learners

  1. Building Students Learning Capacity
  2. Building Teachers Professional Capacity
  3. Curriculum and Extra-Curricular Activities
  4. Reflective Practice, evaluation and Planning for Progress

Creating a Positive Learning Climate

  1. Resources/Supports for all Students and Staff to actively engage
  2. School and Classroom Environment to support learning

School Inspection reports

Whole School Evaluation

Please find attached our Whole School Evaluation Report which has recently been completed by the Inspectorate of the DES. We are delighted that the hard work of all staff has been acknowledged and for the extremely positive comments contained in the report.

Please find also the school response to detailing the schools actions to work on the two recommendations given.

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Transition Year meeting for Parents
Senior Cycle Options 2024
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir,
Baile Chláir,
Co na Gaillimhe,
H91 XY8V

091 799 001

© 2024 Coláiste Bhaile Chláir